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公告时间:2024-04-30 20:38:50

Stock code:300450 Stock abbreviation:LEAD Statement number:2024-034
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.
2023 Annual Report Summary
This summary of the annual report is from the full text of the annual report. To fully understand the business performance,
financial condition and future development planning of the Company, investors should read the full text of the annual
report for details.
All members of the board of directors attended the Board meeting to review this report.
BAKER TILLY International Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) has issued an auditor’s report with an
unqualified opinion to the Company.
Changes in accounting firms during this reporting period: The company's accounting firm for this year is still BAKER
TILLY International Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership)
Non-standard audit opinion reminder
□Applicable Not applicable
The company was not profitable at the time of its listing and is currently not generating profits
□Applicable Not applicable
Profit distribution plan or plan for converting reserve funds into share capital for the reporting period reviewed by the
board of directors
Applicable □Not applicable


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