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公告时间:2024-08-14 20:34:33

Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Bingshan; Bingshan B; No: 2024-021
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
2024 Semiannual Report Summary
§1 Important Notes
This summary is extracted from the original of the semiannual report. For more information, the
investors are recommended to refer to the original.
Non-standard audit opinion presentation □ Applicable √ Not applicable
Profit distribution and dividend payment □ Applicable √ Not applicable
§2 Company Profile
2.1 Company Profile
Short form of the stock Bingshan; Bingshan B
Stock code 000530; 200530
Listed stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal name in Chinese 冰山冷热科技股份有限公司
Short form of legal name 冰山冷热
Legal English name Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
Abbreviation of legal English name Bingshan
Legal representative Ji Zhijian
2.2 Summary ofAccounting Data and Financial Indexes
Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due to
change in the accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes
□ Yes √ No
2024.1-6 2023.1-6 Increase/decrease compared with
the same period of last year
Operating revenue 2,463,277,349.70 2,327,536,713.05 5.83%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies 78,529,977.92 57,414,399.22 36.78%
Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed companies 67,346,978.95 45,458,170.52 48.15%
after the deduction of non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flow from operating activities -32,585,984.75 -126,794,196.98 74.30%
Basic earnings per share 0.09 0.07 28.57%
Diluted earnings per share 0.09 0.07 28.57%
Weighted average return on net asset yield 2.55% 1.87% Increase 0.68 percentage points
2024.6.30 2023.12.31 Increase/decrease compared with
Total assets 7,788,630,011.01 8,162,848,294.25 -4.58%
Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of listed 3,101,519,724.53 3,047,513,577.75 1.77%

2.3 Statement of shares held by the top ten common shareholders
Total number of shareholders in the reporting 51,190 Total number of shareholders as of the last month 0
period before disclosure of the annual report
Shareholding of top ten shareholders
Number of Number of
shares pledged
Name Nature Proportion Total number with sale shares or
restriction shares
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. Domestic non-state-owned 20.27% 170,916,934 0 0
legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. Overseas legal person 8.72% 73,503,150 0 0
Zhang Sufen Domestic natural person 1.18% 9,930,000 0 0
Chen Xianlai Domestic natural person 0.87% 7,356,500 0 0
Lin Zhenming Foreign natural person 0.80% 6,730,000 0 0
Cao Yifan Domestic natural person 0.60% 5,088,400 0 0
Li Xiaohua Domestic natural person 0.48% 4,056,608 0 0
Xue Hong Domestic natural person 0.43% 3,660,000 0 0
Zhan Changcheng Domestic natural person 0.36%


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