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公告时间:2024-08-21 16:23:41

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.
Final 2024-03
August 22,2024

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report
Table of Contents

I、Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definition ......3
II、Brief Introductionfor the Company and Main Financial Indicators ......6
III、DiscussionandAnalysis of Management Team ......9
IV、Corporate Governance ......27
V、Environmental andSocial Responsibility ......29
VI、Major issues ......32
VII、Changes inShares andthe Shareholders’ Situation ......40
VIII、RelatedSituationof PreferredShares......48
IX、RelatedSituation of Bonds ......48
X、Financial Report ......48
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report
I. ImportantNotice,TableofContentsand Definition
The board of directors,the board of supervisors,directors, supervisors and senior executives
of the Company guarantee the tr uthful ness, accuracy and completeness of the contents
contained in the semi-annual report with no false records, misleading statements or
significant omissions, and undertake individual and joint legal liabilities.
Mr. Hongjiang ZHOU (Person in charge of the Company), Mr. Jianxun JIANG (Person in
charge of accounting work) and Ms. Cuimei GUO (Person in charge of accounting organ &
Accountant in charge) assure the tr uthful ness, accuracy and completeness of the financial
report in the semi-annual report.
Except for the following directors, other directors attended this board meeting for reviewing
this semi-annual reportin person.
Nameof director not attending Position of directornot attending Reasonof not attendingthe Nameof
the meetingpersonally the meetingpersonally meeting personally entrustee
ZhuquanWANG Independentdirector On a business trip Huirong LIU
RenzhuYU Independentdirector On a business trip Qinglin LIU
Forward-looking statements such as future plans and development strategies covered in this
report do not constitute a substantial commi tme nt of the Company to i nvestors. Investors are
advised to pay attention to investment risks.
Regarding significant risks that the Company may face during the business process, please
refer to “10. Risks and response measures” in “III Discussion and Analysis of Management
Team” in this report. Investors are suggested to read carefullyand payattention to investment
The Company has no plan to distribute cash dividends and bonus shares and capital reserve
willnot be transferred to equity.

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report
Reference Documents
(1) The original of 2024 Semi-annual Report autographed by the Chairman.
(2) The Financial Statements autographed and sealed by the chairman, chief accountant and
accountants in charge.
(3) The Prospectus and Public Offering Announcement for Stock B in 1997; The Prospectus
and The Shares’Change & Public OfferingAnnouncement for StockAin 2000.
(4) The originals of all documents and announcements that the Company made public during
the report period in the newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report
Definition Item Refers to Definition Content
Company/The Company Refers to Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.
Changyu Group/Controlling Shareholder Refers to Yantai Changyu Group Co., Ltd.
CSRC Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission
SSE Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
KPMG Huazhen Refers to KPMG Huazhen LLP (Limited LiabilityPartnership)
CNY Refers to Chinese Yuan

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2024 Semi-annual Report
II. Brief Introduction for the Company and Main Financial Indicators
1. Company’s information
Stock Abbreviation Changyu A, Changyu B Stock Code 000869,200869
Stock Abbreviation after Alteration None
Place of Stock Listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Name in Chinese 烟台张裕葡萄酿酒股份有限公司
Abbreviation of Chinese Name 张裕
Abbreviation of English Name CHANGYU
Legal Representative Hongjiang ZHOU
2. Contact person and information


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