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公告时间:2024-05-13 16:19:33

Stock Code: 600415 Stock short name: 小商品城
Zhejiang China Commodities City Group
Co., Ltd.
2023 Annual Report

Important Note
I. The Board of Directors, the supervisory committee and the directors, supervisors and
senior management of the Company hereby warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the contents of the Annual Report, guarantee that there are no false
representations, misleading statements or material omissions contained in this
Annual Report, and are jointly and severally responsible for the liabilities of the
II. All directors of the Company were present at the board meeting.
III. Ernst & Young Hua Ming Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)
has issued a standard unqualified audit opinion for the Company.
IV. ZHAO Wenge, Head of the Company, WANG Dong, Head in charge of accounting, and
ZHAO Difang, Head of the accounting department (Accounting Supervisor), declare
that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial report
in the annual report.
V. The profit distribution plan for the reporting period or the plan for public reserve funds
into share capital that was approved by the board of directors
Based on the total share capital on the equity registration date for the 2023 profit distribution,
a cash dividend of RMB 2.00 (including tax) will be distributed for every 10 shares. Based on the
total share capital of the Company at the end of 2023, a total of RMB 1,096,866,835.20 (including
tax) in cash dividends will be distributed. If there is a change in the total share capital of the
Company before the equity registration date for equity distribution, it is proposed to maintain the
per share distribution plan unchanged and adjust the total distribution amount accordingly.
VI. Risk statement with forward-looking representations
√Applicable □Not applicable
The forward-looking representations involved in this Report such as future plans and
development strategies do not constitute the Company’s substantial commitments to investors.
Investors shall watch out for the investment risks.
VII. Is the Company’s cash occupied by its controlling shareholder or any of other
affiliates for non-operational purposes?
VIII. Has the Company provided external guarantee in violation of the prescribed
decision-making procedures?

IX. Whether more than half of the directors can not warrant the truthfulness, accuracy
and completeness of the annual report disclosed by the Company
X. Reminder of major risks
The Company has described the risks that may exist in this Report in details. Please refer
to “Potential Risks” in “Section III Discussion and Analysis of Managers” of this Report..
XI. Others
□Applicable √Not applicable

Table of Contents

Section I. Definitions ......5
Section II. Company Profile and Financial Highlights......6
Section III. Discussion and Analysis of Managers...... 13
Section IV. Corporate Governance ......59
Section V. Environmental and Social Responsibilities......82
Section VI. Significant Matters ......84
Section VII. Changes in Shares and Shareholders ...... 103
Section VIII. Bonds......112
Section IX. Financial Report...... 121
Accounting statements with the signatures and stamps of the person
incharge of the Company, person in charge of accounting and person
Documents for in charge of the accounting body.
Inspection The original audit report with the seal of the accounting firm and the
signature and seal of the certified public accountant
The originals of all company documents and announcements publicly
disclosed during the reporting period

Section I. Definitions
I. Definitions
For the purpose of this Report, unless otherwise stated in the context, the following terms shall
have the following meanings:
SCO means Yiwu State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.
MDG means Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.
CCCH means Yiwu China Commodities City Holdings Limited
Zhijie Yuangang means Zhejiang Zhijie Yuangang International Supply
Chain Technology Co., Ltd.
CCCP means Yiwu China Commodities City Property
Development Co., Ltd.
CCCF means Yiwu China Commodities City Financial Holdings
Co., Ltd.
Huishang Micro-finance means Yiwu Huishang Micro-finance Co., Ltd.
Haicheng Company means Haicheng Yiwu China Commodities City
Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shanglv m


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