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公告时间:2024-08-21 16:23:41

Stock Code: 000869, 200869 Stock Abbreviation: Changyu A, Changyu B Announcement No.:2024-Final 03
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.
August 22,2024

I. Important Notice
This Semi-annual Report abstract comes from the full text of Se mi -a nnual Report. If i nvestors desire
to comprehensively understand the Company’s operating results, fi na ncial situation and future
development plan, please read the Semi-annual Report on the media specified by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission.
Except for the following directors, other directors attended this board meeting for reviewing this
semi-annual reportin person.
Nameof director not attending Position of directornot attending Reasonof not attendingthe Nameof
the meetingpersonally the meetingpersonally meeting personally entrustee
ZhuquanWANG Independentdirector On a business trip Huirong LIU
RenzhuYU Independentdirector On a business trip Qinglin LIU
Non-standard audit opinion notice
Available Not available
The pre-arranged planning of profi t distribution for ordinary share or the pre -arranged planni ng of
increasing capital stock with accumulation fund during the report period deliberated by the board of
the directors
Available Not available
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividend or give bonus shares or increase capital stock
with accumulation fund.
The pre-arranged planni ng of profit distribution for preferred share during the report period
deliberated and passed by the board of directors
Available Not available

II. Basic information of the Company
1. Brief introduction of the Company
Abbreviation of Shares Changyu A, ChangyuB Codenumberof the Shares 000869,200869
Placeof listing of Shares ShenzhenStockExchange
StockAbbreviation afterAlteration None
(if have)
Contactpersonandinformation SecretaryofBoardof Directors Authorized Representativeof
Securities Affairs
Name Jianxun JIANG Tingguo LI
Address 56 DamaRoad,Yantai,Shandong, 56 DamaRoad,Yantai,Shandong,
China China
Tel 0086-535-6602761 0086-535-6633656
E-mail jiangjianxun@changyu.com.cn stock@changyu.com.cn
2. Key accounting data and financial indicators
Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustments or restates the accounting data of previous
fiscal years
Yes No
During the report In the sameperiod Moreor less thanthe same
period of last year period of last year(%)
Operatingrevenue(CNY) 1,522,309,436 1,966,738,485 -22.60%
Net profit attributedto shareholdersof the listed 221,177,382 363,569,436 -39.17%
Net profit attributedto shareholdersof the listed
companyafterdeductingnon-recurringprofits 194,883,882 324,321,975 -39.91%
and losses (CNY)
Net cashflows from operatingactivities (CNY) 203,880,364 527,919,786 -61.38%
Basic earnings per share(CNY/share) 0.32 0.53 -39.62%
Diluted earnings per share(CNY/share) 0.32 0.53 -39.62%
Weighted average returnon equity 2.03% 3.40% -1.37%
At endof this At the endof last Moreor less thanthe end of
reportperiod year last year(%)
Totalassets(CNY) 12,297,889,483 13,336,267,204 -7.79%
NetAssets attributedto shareholdersof the listed 10,583,533,749 10,841,500,988 -2.38%

3. Situation for the number of shareholders and shareholdings of the Company
Unit: share
Total commonshareholdersatthe end ofreportperiod 44,267 Total number ofpreferredshareholderrecoveringvoting powerby the 0
end ofreportperiod(ifhave)
Shareholdingsof the top 10 shareholders


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