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公告时间:2024-08-27 19:14:37

Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd. Semi-AnnualReport 2024 (Summary)
Stock Code: 000505, 200505 Stock Name:JLKG, JL-B Announcement No. 2024-031
Part I ImportantNotes
This Summary is based on the full Annual Report of Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd. (together with its
consolidated subsidiaries, the “Company”, except where the context otherwise requires). In order for a full
understandingoftheCompany’soperatingresults,financialposition andfuturedevelopmentplans,investorsshould
carefully readthe aforesaidfull text, whichhas beendisclosed togetherwith this Summaryonthemedia designated
by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the “CSRC”).
This Summary has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or
misunderstandings betweenthetwo versions,theChinese version shall prevail.
All theCompany’sDirectorshaveattendedthe Boardmeeting forthe review of this Reportandits summary.
Independentauditor’smodified opinion:
□ Applicable Not applicable
Board-approvedfinalcash and/orstockdividend plan for ordinary shareholdersforthe ReportingPeriod
□ Applicable Not applicable
TheCompanyhasno interim dividend plan, either in the formof cash or stock.
Board-approvedfinalcash and/orstockdividend plan for preferredshareholdersforthe ReportingPeriod:
□ Applicable Not applicable
Part II Key CorporateInformation
Stock name JLKG, JL-B Stock code 000505、200505
Stock exchange for stock listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact information Board Secretary Securities Representative
Name Guan Ying Gao Deqiu
8/F, Tower B, Capital Agricultural Science 8/F, Tower B, Capital Agricultural Science and
Office address and Innovation Mansion, Building No.1, Innovation Mansion, Building No.1,
Community No.8, Xinning Street, Daxing Community No.8, Xinning Street, Daxing
District, Beijing District, Beijing

Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd. Semi-AnnualReport 2024 (Summary)
Tel. 010-81219989 010-81219989
E-mail address guanying@bjjlkg.cn gaodeqiu@bjjlkg.cn
Indicate by tick markwhetherthere is anyretrospectively restateddatumin the table below.
□ Yes No
H1 2024 H1 2023 Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB) 5,555,906,994.14 4,823,234,208.18 15.19%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders
(RMB) 24,058,518. 07 73,581,795.36 -67.30%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders
before exceptional gains and losses (RMB) 13,290,211. 37 58,095,675.61 -77.12%
Netcash generated from/used in operating activities (RMB) -221,065,422.09 -137,349,545.79 -60.95%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.03 0.10 -70.00%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.03 0.10 -70.00%
Weighted average return on equity (%) 0.76% 2.37% -1.61%
30 June 2024 31 December 2023 Change (%)
Total assets (RMB) 6,577,259,750.18 6,496,782,984.90 1.24%
Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB) 3,140,090,722.46 3,167,503,541.44 -0.87%
3.Shareholdersand Their Shares at thePeriodEnd
Unit: Share
Number of preferred shareholders
Number of ordinary shareholders 54,654 0
with resumed voting rights (if any)
Top 10 shareholders (not including through refinancing))
Nature of Pledged, marked or frozen
Name of shareholder Shareholdin Number of Restricted shares
shareholder g percent


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